DATA| ergo sum



  • Más allá de 2001: Odiseas de la inteligencia, Espacio Fundación Telefónica, Madrid, Spain, 2018-2019
  • Más allá de 2001: Odiseas de la inteligencia, Museo de la Evolución Humana, Burgos, Spain, 2019

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DATA | ergo sum is an interactive Art installation that visualizes the capability of viewing machines using Artificial Intelligence to extract data by a simple observation of visitors.

With a panoptic eye, the installation observes and records the behavior of visitors without them being aware that their simple presence is providing an overwhelming amount of data; around 20,000 parameters are captured in just 20 seconds. This personal “big-data” is treated by AI algorithms that interpret raw information adding layers of value, such as the basic emotions from facial expressions or body language interpretation. The installation captures 21 facial expressions, 39 body expression related parameters, 10 biometric measurements and deduces 7 emotions from facial expressions. This data is captured at an average rate of 10 measurements per second for each parameter.

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The fact that we are being observed with the help of machines and computing devices is present in the collective imagination thanks to, for example, cinema and literature (with films such as 1984 or “Minority Report” or series such as “Person of interest”) and also due to the proliferation of concepts such as smartcities, video surveillance systems or, more recently, the expansion of applications with surveillance drones.This permanent monitoring extends to the capture of our data when we use the internet, social networks and mobile phones. It is something that we are only vaguely aware of but that deeply affects us. Furthermore, the increasing capabilities of machines to draw conclusions or even to "understand" what they see are not possibly sufficiently known. We are talking about Artificial Intelligence (AI).

People are now aware that every click and every post on the Internet, and even the simple use of their mobile phones generates data that is a valuable asset and generates profits in the hands of a few. However, it is not so well known that developments in AI techniques have given machines the capability to obtain data from us without our active engagement. This fact is presented to visitors through an artistic visualization of a portrait that combines images with their "big-personal-data”.

By bringing to light the capabilities of AI-driven surveillance systems and their implications for privacy and personal autonomy, DATA | ergo sum prompts viewers to reflect on the increasing ubiquity of surveillance technologies and the potential consequences for society. It serves as both a warning and a call to action, encouraging critical engagement with the ethical and social dimensions of Artificial Intelligence in contemporary life.